Three Proven Ways to Survive Cancer (And Chemotherapy)
Today, nearly one out of every two Americans will be diagnosed.1 If there is a war on cancer… modern medicine is not on the winning side. But the good news is: There is a winner – and it doesn’t have to be cancer. Cancer is NOT an automatic death sentence Mainstream medicine has made virtually no strides in the fight against cancer. But that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been progress. We now know how to reduce your risk of cancer almost entirely. And there are proven breakthroughs for treating the disease if you (or someone you know) have already been diagnosed. You won’t hear about these treatments from an oncologist. He could even lose his license for recommending them. But they are safe, inexpensive and highly effective. And most important, they improve the outcomes of standard treatment, while reducing side effects. The “Business” of Medicine Unfortunately, the goal of modern healthcare is not to make people healthy. It is to make a profit. Treating and managing disease is enormously profitable. Preventing it is not. And nowhere is this more evident than cancer… In May of 1986, the New England Journal of Medicine published a candid report. The co-author was Dr. John C. Bailar, a 20-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute who served as director of their Cancer Control Program. His report commented on modern cancer treatment. It stated that, “The main conclusion we draw is that some 35 years of intense effort focused on improving treatment must be judged a qualified failure.”2 But Dr. Bailar and his colleagues did not just point to this dismal failure.
Today, nearly one out of every two Americans will be diagnosed.1 If there is a war on cancer… modern medicine is not on the winning side. But the good news is: There is a winner – and it doesn’t have to be cancer. Cancer is NOT an automatic death sentence Mainstream medicine has made virtually no strides in the fight against cancer. But that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been progress. We now know how to reduce your risk of cancer almost entirely. And there are proven breakthroughs for treating the disease if you (or someone you know) have already been diagnosed. You won’t hear about these treatments from an oncologist. He could even lose his license for recommending them. But they are safe, inexpensive and highly effective. And most important, they improve the outcomes of standard treatment, while reducing side effects. The “Business” of Medicine Unfortunately, the goal of modern healthcare is not to make people healthy. It is to make a profit. Treating and managing disease is enormously profitable. Preventing it is not. And nowhere is this more evident than cancer… In May of 1986, the New England Journal of Medicine published a candid report. The co-author was Dr. John C. Bailar, a 20-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute who served as director of their Cancer Control Program. His report commented on modern cancer treatment. It stated that, “The main conclusion we draw is that some 35 years of intense effort focused on improving treatment must be judged a qualified failure.”2 But Dr. Bailar and his colleagues did not just point to this dismal failure.
They raised a solution. Dr. Bailar argued that the only way to win the “war” on cancer is to shift our focus to prevention. Of course, that makes sense. Statistics show that only 5-10 percent of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects. That means that 90-95 percent of cancer cases are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors.3 Therefore, many of these cancers could be prevented. Yet, we spend next to nothing on prevention. Mainstream Medicine Chooses Pharma over Prevention In a 2001 report, the National Cancer Institute claimed that it allocates only 12 percent of its budget to prevention. But a report by cancer researcher Dr. Samuel Epstein suggests that the NCI spends even less than they claim. He reports that the NCI only spends about 2.5 percent of its budget on prevention.4 And less than 1 percent is budgeted for nutrition studies.5 By some estimates, well over $1 trillion has been spent on cancer research and treatment over the last 40 years. Even still, the more money we spend on cancer… the more cancer we get. But looking past prevention isn’t the only reason modern medicine has lost the war on cancer. The way we treat cancer is simply not working. And in some cases, these “treatments” can be more deadly than the disease itself. Modern Cancer Treatment: Cut, Poison, Burn The primary conventional treatments for cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation… or cut, poison and burn. There are some limited circumstances where these treatments work.
But they are all misguided. Like almost everything else in mainstream medicine, they focus on the symptoms of the disease… not the cause.Cancer has become such a buzzword that we tend to ignore what it really is. But cancer is the uncontrolled reproduction of damaged cells. It’s a chronic metabolic condition. To heal cancer, you must address the cause. And you must support your body’s own healing intelligence. Modern cancer therapy doesn’t do these things. And the worst offender is chemotherapy. Questioning Chemo The first problem with chemotherapy is that it simply doesn’t work for most cancers. The case for this is clearly documented by renowned researcher, Ralph Moss, Ph.D. Dr. Moss shows that chemotherapy can lead to meaningful life extension in about 10 different forms of cancer. But most of these cancers are rare. And they are found almost exclusively in children. Overwhelming evidence shows that chemotherapy is not effective at treating the common solid tumors of adults. These are the cancers responsible for more than 90 percent of all cancer deaths. The lone exception is testicular cancer. So keep this in mind the next time you hear Lance Armstrong praising the benefits of modern cancer therapy. What about Response Rates? As a cancer patient weighs his options, he may ask his doctor, “What are my chances?”
When it comes to chemotherapy, an oncologist will almost always cite the “response rate.” This is a measure of the likelihood that the tumor will decrease in size or that certain markers will decline. Doctors often quote response rates as high as 90 percent. But that number can be deceiving. Most people assume that means a 90 percent increased chance of survival. But according to Dr. Moss, response rates rarely correspond to increased survival or better quality of life. But it gets worse. Chemotherapy is not just ineffective… it is also toxic. The even darker side of chemo ABC News recently reported on the results of a British study.6 It was performed by a government-funded group called the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Deaths. This group looked at 600 case studies of cancer patients who died within 30 days of treatment. They discovered that 25 percent of these deaths were directly caused or hastened by chemotherapy. 40 percent of these patients were “significantly poisoned” by it. Now multiply these results by the millions of people who have received this toxic treatment! Nurses and pharmacists who handle these drugs take great care to avoid contact with them. And surveys show that a majority of cancer doctors would not undergo chemotherapy themselves. One of these was sent out by McGill Cancer Center in 1986. Scientists from the center sent a questionnaire to more than a hundred oncologists in Canada. These doctors were affiliated with the Ontario Cancer Research and Treatment Foundation. The survey asked these specialists to imagine that they had the same type of cancer that they treat on a daily basis. Would they be willing to be involved in any one of six chemotherapy trials?
More than half of the doctors responded that they would not consent to be in any chemotherapy trials. According to Dr. Moss, the most common reason given was, “The ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptable degree of toxicity.” In fact, Dr. Moss even tells the story of a prominent oncologist at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. When he found out that he had advancedstage cancer, he told his colleagues, “Do anything you want – but no chemotherapy!” And he’s not the only one. Another high-ranking official at Sloan-Kettering took it even further. He refused to allow his mother to undergo “state-of-the-art” therapy at his own hospital. Instead, he sent her to Germany for “alternative” treatment. But the “standard of care” in cancer treatment doesn’t just cause hair loss… severe nausea… muscle wasting… congestive heart failure… liver failure… the death of healthy cells… and destruction of the immune system… Chemotherapy CAUSES Cancer! Isn’t That Ironic? Recently on Good Morning America, anchorwoman Robin Roberts made an emotional announcement to her viewers.7 “Sometimes treatment for cancer can lead to other serious medical issues,” she said. “And that’s what I’m facing right now.” Roberts said that the treatment she received for breast cancer several years ago led to a blood disease.
That blood disease is an early form of leukemia. In other words, the treatment she received for one form of cancer… caused another. It’s well established that cancer “survivors” frequently develop secondary cancers. Most of these patients assume that their cancer has returned. Or that the new cancer is related to the first one. Few have any idea that the “new” cancer is the direct result of their toxic treatment. Dr. Otis Brawley is the Chief Medical Officer for the American Cancer Society. In a recent question and answer session on CNN Health, he called chemotherapy a “double-edged sword.”8 “There is a benefit from the drug and there is harm from the drug,” said Dr. Brawley. “It is ironic but true that many cancer chemotherapies are known to cause cancer.” No, Dr. Brawley, in the vast majority of cases there is NO benefit from the drug whatsoever. There is only harm. This highly touted (and wholly ineffective) treatment has brought in hundreds of billions of dollars for the pharmaceutical companies, the cancer research industry and practicing oncologists. At the same time it has caused untold suffering for millions. It is not “ironic” that chemotherapy causes cancer. It is absolutely tragic. Three Proven Ways to Survive Cancer (and Chemotherapy) But you don’t have to turn to this dangerous treatment. There are proven, safe methods to beat cancer naturally. And, if you have chosen to use chemo, there are ways to come out of it stronger without suffering the unbearable side effects. It is up to you and your doctor whether conventional cancer therapy fits within that protocol. Despite the overall failure of the war on cancer, there are some cases where conventional cancer treatment offers benefits.
If you do choose one or more conventional treatments, you may need the therapies below even more. In every case, they help support your cells during standard treatment. They have been shown to boost the effectiveness, while reducing the adverse effects. Metastasis: Cancer’s Greatest Danger Most cancerous tumors are not deadly in and of themselves. Even when they expand in size and invade surrounding tissue, they are not typically life-threatening .Cancer becomes dangerous when groups of cells break off and spread to other parts of the body. This process is called metastasis. When cancer metastasizes, it can spread throughout your entire body. It can invade your vital organs, including the brain, lungs and liver. It can even spread throughout your skeletal system. But there is a highly effective compound that can stop the spread of cancer in its tracks. It could be one of the most important natural compounds for fighting and preventing the spread of cancer. The Cure for Cancer… in the Peel of an Orange? The world’s leading expert on this compound is Dr. Isaac Eliaz. He has made it his life’s work to study its use and effectiveness. Dr. Eliaz was first introduced to the benefits of this compound as a child growing up in Israel, when he lived next to Dr. Ruth Cohen. Dr. Cohen and her husband were organic chemistry scientists. Their passion was the study of a compound in the peel of citrus fruits. To this day, Dr. Eliaz remembers that his neighbor told him, “One day, they will find out that there is a cure for cancer in the peel of an orange.”
Since Israel is known for its citrus fruits, Isaac assumed that her comment was wishful thinking. But as he embarked on his own scientific and medical career years later, he began to study this compound. He found out that her comment was closer to reality than he ever imagined. Modified Citrus Pectin The substance is called pectin. It is a soluble fiber found in the cell walls of plants. And it’s most abundant in the peels of citrus fruits. An orange rind contains about 30 percent pectin. The digestive benefits of pectin have been understood for many years. It can remove toxins from the intestines and colon. It prevents constipation. And dozens of studies show that it can reduce colon cancer risk.9 But the molecules of dietary pectin are very large. They can’t penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. But in the 1960s a technique was developed for “chopping” the pectin molecule.10 This compound is called Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP). It is just a fraction of the molecular weight of regular citrus pectin. MCP can easily enter the bloodstream and travel to target points throughout the body. The first research on MCP was published in 1992. It showed that this smaller pectin molecule provided significant benefits against cancer.11 Here’s how it works… Cancer: A “Sticky” Situation The ability of cancer cells to metastasize hinges on a “sticky” protein found on their surface. This protein is called galectin-3. It helps cancer cells clump together. And it also helps them adhere to tissues throughout the body.12 Without the glue-like stickiness of galectin-3, cancer cells would have a hard time forming solid tumors… much less attaching to new sites and forming secondary tumors.
Hundreds of studies have proven that galectin-3 plays a pivotal role in the formation and spread of cancer.13 It is also highly predictive of the risk for heart failure. Dr. Eliaz recommends that anyone at risk for these conditions should have galectin-3 levels tested. But this molecule does not just make cancer sticky. It helps these rogue cells communicate. And it is also required for the formation of new blood vessels. This is a process called angiogenesis and it is how tumors get their nourishment.It’s no wonder that galectin-3 is a primary target of mainstream cancer research. By disarming this molecule, you can: • Prevent cancer cells from adhering to each other and other tissues, • Disrupt their ability to communicate, and • Take away their power supply Do this and you destroy cancer’s ability to survive and proliferate. And that’s exactly what MCP can do. The “Anti-Adhesive” Solution to Cancer Galectin-3 is highly attracted to a sugar molecule called galactose. And MCP contains large amounts of it. When MCP comes into contact with cancer cells, it binds to the sticky molecules on their surface. Dr. Eliaz told me MCP is an “anti-adhesive agent.” So it provides powerful protection against metastasis.14 The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published a study, performed on rats, that showed MCP reduced the spread of melanoma by 90 percent!15 This is just one of dozens of studies that have proven the cancer-fighting benefits of this safe and natural compound. Dr. Eliaz has led or participated in many of these studies, including several trials performed on humans.16 He says that, “MCP is the only natural substance proven to block excess galectin-3 molecules.”
In addition to taking away the adhesive properties of cancer cells, MCP destroys their ability to communicate.17 It blocks the formation of new blood vessels to tumors.18 And once it binds to a cancer cell, it even helps to “tag” these cells for attack by the immune system.19 These effects ultimately lead to the death of cancer cells. One study presented by Dr. Eliaz showed that MCP resulted in cancer cell death of 81 percent. This was compared to just 3.8 percent in the control. The “binding” ability of MCP is also illustrated by the fact that it can trap heavy metals, radioactive isotopes,20 and environmental toxins and escort them out of the body. A Critical Adjunct to Standard Therapy The potential for MCP in the fight against cancer is very promising. In many cases, it produces better results than standard therapies. But it can also enhance these conventional treatments. The use of MCP alongside chemotherapy may allow for a lower dose of chemotherapy, fewer side effects, and a greater clinical outcome. And MCP is critical if you elect to have surgery or a diagnostic biopsy. You see, these procedures can increase the aggressive behavior of cancer cells. They can also release cancer cells from the initial site and allow them to migrate to other parts of your body. The ability of MCP to bind to these cells and neutralize them is where this treatment shines. PectaSol-C: A Breakthrough Cancer Treatment Dr. Isaac Eliaz and his colleagues have been working on different formulations of MCP in the laboratory for more than a decade.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Sheridan Wyoming, USA
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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